Calculate your taxable gains/losses with this do-it-yourself crypto & NFT tracker.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:5 marca 2023
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HODL Totals is a forever free and open-source Google Sheets™ add-on that aims remove the fear, uncertainty, and doubt around US cryptocurrency taxation. It includes:

1. A getting started guide
2. Cryptocurrency tracking (supports ALL coin types!)
3. Non-Fungible Token tracking
4. Portfolio with tools for reconciling your records with your reported wallet and account balances
5. Supports multiple techniques for determining Fair Market Value
6. Gain/Loss calculations for coins (FIFO method) and for NFTs that will ensure you're correctly reporting short-term or long-term capital gains
7. Customizable transaction categories allowing you to decide what types of transactions should be taxable and which ones are not
8. Access to a Discord server for guidance, support from the community

Our DIY approach means you don't need to hire another service for your crypto taxes. After a good bit of copy-paste, you will be able to count on yourself to come into compliance with tax laws and regulations. HODL Totals sheets are sufficient to serve as an audit trail to back up your US crypto tax filing. This data can be used to generate yearly Income Reports and a 1099 Data Reports (for Form 8453).

"Finished calculating all my crypto taxes with your extension...
      worked like a charm :)
             would have been hell without this!"
                     - Discord user @cryptoman

"Just wanted to say thank you for this tool. It worked well for me!"
                     - Discord user @ACBLu

Your transaction data is… well yours. You should have a say in what happens to it. Acknowledging that you need to pay taxes should not force you to surrender that data to a crypto tax service. With HODL Totals you can choose to put your trust in the Google Drive™ online storage service and in exchange you get a cloud-based user experience that makes crypto tax preparation less painful.

Let's make crypto go mainstream, together!
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Warunki korzystania z usługi
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