The Hubspot connector pulls data from Hubspot reports into your sheet. Use it with Perdoo, the OKR platform used by ambitious organizations to propel their growth.
Listingan diperbarui:20 September 2023
Berfungsi dengan:
This connector pulls data from your Hubspot reports and syncs it with your sheet. You can then analyze that data as you see fit, or connect it to other apps, like Perdoo.

Choose which reports and metrics you'd like to sync, and how often to sync them. The connector takes care of the rest. 

To use this add-on:
- Install the add-on
- You'll need to grant access to your sheet for the app to function.
- Once installed, open the add-on. You’ll then be prompted to authorize access to your Hubspot account. 
- Once authorized, select which metrics to pull from your Hubspot account, and when and how frequently they should sync with the sheet.
- You're done! Enjoy reliable reporting that you can use to make informed decisions all year round!

Perdoo is GDPR and CCPA compliant, and cannot access your Hubspot data.
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