Import data from your Google Sheets to Hull
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This Google Sheets add-on allows you to easily import list of users, events and accounts to Hull.

It makes it incredibly easy to create or update users, events and accounts in Hull, and then send them to all your other services.

Start by opening the sheet you want to import.

Then click "Add-ons" > "Hull Importer" > "Open". A Sidebar will open on the right side of the screen. Enter your token (which you retrieved from your Hull Dashboard), and click "Save"

A list of all the columns in your Sheet will now display. For each entry, select which attribute this column should be mapped to.

You need to have at least one of the following columns present: "Email" (or "Domain" for Accounts), "External ID" or "Anonymous ID".

When your mapping is complete, click "Import" and follow the progress.

When import is complete, you can go to your Hull dashboard and see your newly imported Users, Accounts and Events (Allow a few minutes for the job to complete)
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