i18n streamlines localization and translation by automatically generating language files for your app or website with just a click
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Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:14 tháng 11, 2023
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i18n Generate helps you easily manage i18n and localization by automatically generating language files in various formats with just one click.

With support for 10+ languages, it lets you quickly create JSON, TypeScript, and Javascript files for each language based on your source texts. No more wasting time manually creating redundant language files!

The tool integrates seamlessly with Google Sheets translation to auto-populate your target language texts. Simply add source keys in your primary language, auto-translate to other languages in Sheets, and let i18n Generate take care of the file outputs.

Whether you are translating an app, website, or any product that requires localizing text across multiple languages, i18n Generate streamlines the entire workflow. Focus on the content and leave the tedious language file generation to this time-saving automation tool.

-> CaseStudy
· Automatically generate 10+ language files (JSON, Javascript, Typescript) from source texts
· Easily manage translations in Google Sheets then auto-generate files
· Integrate with Google Translate for quick translations to 12 languages
· Single hub for multiple translators to collaborate
· Effortlessly update translations across languages
· Preview translations in-sheet to compare languages
· Addition of new languages just takes adding a column
· Progress reporting on translation status by language
· Focus on content while i18n Generate handles file output

-> Implemented in a real-world application

I have utilized this for my Qrdy - Dynamic Qr project to optimize time and easily manage multilingual content. You can see a sample file here:
project: https://www.qrdynamic.xyz/

Streamline your i18n process, reduce duplicative work, and launch your multilingual product faster with i18n Generate!
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i18n Generate Json, ts, js file sẽ yêu cầu các quyền như trình bày bên dưới. Tìm hiểu thêm
i18n Generate Json, ts, js file sẽ cần có quyền truy cập vào Tài khoản Google của bạn
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