Access powerful and Free PDF tools directly from Google Drive™ for editing, merging, splitting, compressing, converting and rotate.
Nhà phát triển:
Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:11 tháng 5, 2024
Hoạt động với:
139 N+
Tổng quan
Streamline your workflow and conquer any PDF challenge with the iLovePDF add-on for Google Drive™! This powerful tool allows you to easily initiate the editing, merging, splitting, compressing and rotating process for your PDFs using the IlovePDF online platform, all within the familiar Google Drive™ interface.

Simplified PDF Editing:
You can easily edit PDFs (text, annotations, shapes, highlights) by seamlessly launching the IlovePDF editing tools directly from Google Drive™.

- Master your PDFs: While editing occurs on the I Love PDF platform, you can leverage its features for tasks like Converting PDFs to editable formats (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, text)
- Merging, splitting, and compressing PDFs
- Rotating PDFs for proper orientation

Coming Soon:
Secure your documents with passwords and permissions.
Sign documents electronically and request signatures from others.

Simple and Efficient:
With a single click on the "Open With" option in Google Drive™ and selecting IlovePDF, you'll be directed to the IlovePDF platform for editing. This streamlined approach eliminates the need for cumbersome downloads or uploads, keeping your workflow efficient.

There are no hidden fees or limitations. Unlock the full potential of your PDFs with IlovePDF, which is completely free.

Get started with IlovePDF today and experience the convenience of PDF editing through Google Drive™!

Please Note Google Drive™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
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