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Choose from 5000+ icons and symbols with 53 categories. All icons available with any color and inserted with transparent background.
Works with:
Insert icons and symbols into your Document with a button click. Browse from 5000+ icons with 53 categories. Format icons with any color you want. All icons are inserted with highest possible resolution which helps you to adopt it to any document or design. The transparent background makes it easier to align it on the top of other shapes.

★ View recently inserted icons:
You can access your previously used icons, which helps you to insert them into another slide quickly without having to format them again.

★ Formatting:
Various formatting options available such as transparency, brightness, contrast, recolor etc. Just right click on the inserted icon and choose Image options...

★ Categories
You can search icons by categories which helps you to quickly find relevant results.

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Icons and Symbols for Docs will need access to your Google account
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March 31, 2021
This Is awful, Do not use this if you dont want to pay $5 a month for something you'll use twice a year. Search google for ClipArt and just use that. Or Better Yet, Use something like flaticon that have Free downloadable Icons. P.S (Instead of making us pay for premium to Use ALL the icons, Make a Premium Menu with More, Higher quality Icons. )
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Michaela Milligan
May 8, 2021
No mention of premium version in images or description, you can only add 3 icons per day in trial version yuck also you cant copy/paste icons and it take a solid 5 seconds to insert icons into your doc and it doesnt remember the size you need do not reccomend
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A User of Icons and Symbols for Docs
November 24, 2019
Has a limit of 3 day, so just lookup clip art online and use that instead...
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