.ID provides you strong eIDAS compliant advanced electronic signatures. .ID app for Google Docs allows you to seamlessly send your document to secure .ID environment for signing, sharing and requesting signatures from others.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:12 Nisan 2022
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Genel Bakış
Sign documents with confidence!

.ID provides you strong eIDAS compliant advanced electronic signatures.

.ID app for Google Docs allows you to seamlessly send your document to secure .ID environment for signing, sharing and requesting signatures from others.

Peace of mind!
Unlike many other digital signature providers .ID signatures are directly linked to real person verification, meaning that we actually validate the person signing the document in real time. So, no gimmick signatures, but the real deal.

It’s signed!
We don’t mess around with your original document. Digital signature is a standalone file, containing the cryptographic certificates that are given by the user over the dedicated app. Original file cannot be tampered after the signature is given. It is the most secure, hack-proof digital signature you can get.

It’s free!
You can create up to 3 documents each month for free, but you can sign as many as needed for free.

More info and support

Read more about our .ID digital signatures from here www.agrello.io or reach out to us using support@agrello.io
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