This add-on allows you to put the selected image above the text. Can be extremely useful in case you need to add your signature or protect the document with a watermark before exporting to PDF or printing.
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Image Above Text puts inserted images on top of the text. Yeah, that's easy =) No complex setup to perform, no tutorials too read, just click and boom, you have it.

Sounds too simple to be true? Just check the app and see it with your own eyes. Add signatures, watermarks and other graphics on top of the text with no messing around. You are just one click away!

Can be extremely useful in case you need to add your signature or protect the document with a watermark before exporting to PDF or printing.
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A app Image Above Text for Google Docs irá pedir as autorizações apresentadas abaixo. Saiba mais
A app Image Above Text for Google Docs terá de aceder à sua Conta Google
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