Quickly extract text from images in your files using the Image to Text add-on.
Дата оновлення:21 березня 2023 р.
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Image to Text is a text-extractor add-on that you can install. This add-on lets you fetch text written inside the images that you insert in your Doc files. It is easy to use, and you can make your work a lot quicker with it.
  ❁ How to use ❁
Here is how you can use this add-on to extract text from image:
1.	From the ribbon, click on the ‘Extensions’ menu
2.	Then, select ‘Image to Text’
3.	Once the add-on loads up, you will have to sign in you’re not already logged in
4.	Then, select the image you want to extract text from
5.	Click on the ‘Get Image Text’ button
6.	You can click on the ‘Copy’ button to copy the text to your clipboard
 ❁ Features ❁
Here are the features that you can enjoy with the Image to Text add-on:
1.	Accurate results
2.	Easy to use and access
3.	Automatically fetches images from document
4.	Quick processing
5.	Free to use
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