Solve all your image editing and conversion needs with this free All-in-One online image tool.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:29 lutego 2024
Współpracuje z:
273 tys.+
Omówienie is an online image editor that allows you to edit image files and photos in many different ways. You can also convert different files to the most common and widely supported image formats. The image editing suite contains the following tools:

- Edit photos
- Crop images
- Rotate images
- Add watermarks
- Reduce image file size
- Change image dimensions
- Convert to image
- Convert images to documents

There are several different things you can do with this image editing tool. For example:

- Turn PDFs and other documents into images
- Add drawings, boxes, arrows or texts to an image
- Change the file size of a photo to upload it to social media
- Rotate images that are upside-down or sideways
- Extract text from an image
- Create PowerPoint presentations from your photos
- Convert RAW camera images
- Turn videos into animated GIFs

One of the best things about is that it is highly versatile. Turn any kind of file into a JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF or even SVG image. You can easily make an animated GIF from a video or add text and overlays or filters to your photos.

Furthermore, you can choose from different advanced options that improve the quality of your images, changes the colors, and more. You can deskew slightly crooked images or create a black-and-white vector graphic from a raster image.
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Aplikacja Img2Go - Photo Editor & Image Converter poprosi o uprawnienia wymienione poniżej. Więcej informacji
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22 lutego 2022
3 images restriction, for registered user 5 img, I can handle this, but it stuck with img resizer for more than 10 min , I went out and I don't know if it works because I haven't tried any more.
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