Import JSON data from any API and convert it into an easy-to-read table. All through a simple function!
Eintrag aktualisiert:18. Dezember 2023
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APIs are goldmine! With ImportJSON, anyone can unlock and take advantage of the huge quantity of data they provide without writing any code. 

IMPORTJSON is a simple function that : 
- Extracts and converts JSON data from any API directly into Google Sheets
- Parses JSON data no matter whether it is imported or directly accessible from a range of your spreadsheet 


Just type =IMPORTJSON(your_json_source) and your JSON is displayed in a 2 dimensional array.
Then, you can filter the resulting table to extract the information you need using simple queries like (“parent/child/0”).

Yes, as simply as that !

ImportJSON accepts many sources to load data:
- Any URL
- cURL requests
- A Drive file with "view" rights for all
- Any JSON data directly accessible in your spreadsheet   


✓ Easily retrieves JSONS from any URL, Google Drive document with public “view” rights or using a  cURL request
✓ Filters JSON objects using simple queries like (“parent/child/0”) within your spreadsheet
✓ Pivots data that share similar properties
✓ Parses or analyzes text directly from cells containing a JSON text 
✓ Transforms multi level JSON objects into a 2 dimensions table
✓ High volume - loads thousands of JSONs in one spreadsheet
✓ Customizable - updates your JSON data automatically even when you’re offline
✓ Smart caching - caches results to avoid repeated requests to the API
✓ and much more to come ! 

Just give a try to ImportJSON with these free REST APIs :  
- Weather:
- Countries meta:
- All Wikipedia:


ImportJSON is a Google Workspace add-on that has successfully passed Google’s security review. The add-on requires minimal permissions. Your data remains at all times your own property and ImportFromWeb will never transfer nor sell them to 3d parties. 
The add-on will never read or save any of your Google Sheets content that is not involved in the process.


Forever free up to 5 external requests per day (1 request = 1 JSON successfully fetched) and unlimited conversions of JSONs pasted in cells.
Then, choose between our plans according to the number of requests you need. No risk, we offer a 7-day money back guarantee !


✓ Have a look at our repository of resources and demos at 
✓ Check out our ready-to-use templates for the most popular platforms
✓ Browse our tutorials on our Youtube channel
✓ Contact us and we’ll help you to get the most of our add-on ! 


Many users of ImportFromWeb, Supermetrics, Mixed Analytics, KPI bees, DataConnector, SheetGo, Google Analytics, Autocrat and Power Tools already love our scraper.

ImportJSON, among the best add-ons for Google Sheets !

Read more at 
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Die App „ImportJSON | Import JSON data into Google Sheets“ benötigt Zugriff auf Ihr Google-Konto
Dadurch erhält ImportJSON | Import JSON data into Google Sheets die folgenden Berechtigungen:
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