The Progressive Dialler lets you make continuous calls on one click to all the phone numbers entered in your spreadsheet. It displays real time status of each call next to the respective phone numbers. You can Access, Edit and Update your spreadsheet data from Anywhere at Anytime!
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The Progressive Dialer lets you make continuous calls on one click to all the phone numbers entered in your spreadsheet. It displays real time status of each call next to the respective phone numbers. You can Access, Edit and Update your spreadsheet data from Anywhere at Anytime! 

The interface is easy to use and allows you to manage a consistent database of your customers.
It is a widely used and trusted App for making Sales/Marketing and even Feedback calls in bulk in one go! You can save the time and hassle of entering thousands of phone numbers in your device and making a click each time you wish to make a call.

Configuration Steps: Select Add-ons tab > Progressive Dialer > Click on Setup
Once the Setup is successful, enter the numbers to which you wish to make calls in the ‘Phone Numbers’ column in your spreadsheet

Start Calling by: 
Selecting Add-ons tab > Progressive Dialer > Click on Start Calling
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