Browse 1800+ icons from Font Awesome and Google Material Design, available in every colors and insert them in your document
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:17 Nisan 2023
Şununla çalışır:
292 B+
Genel Bakış
Browse 1800+ free icons from Font Awesome & Google Material Design directly in Google Docs. You can choose any color you want and the icons are imported in your document with a transparent background.
A very simple way to choose the perfect icons to illustrate your doc.

For now, 2 icon set are available via this add-on, for a total of more than 1800 icons:
- 900+ icons from Font Awesome -
- 900+ icons from Google Material Design -

Once you selected an icon and added it in your doc, right-click and select "Format options" to drop a shadow, add a reflexion and much more.

Insert Icons also exists for Google Slides & Google Sheets!
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