Browse 1800+ icons from Font Awesome and Google Material Design, available in every colors and insert them in your document
Дата оновлення:17 квітня 2023 р.
292 тис.+
Browse 1800+ free icons from Font Awesome & Google Material Design directly in Google Docs. You can choose any color you want and the icons are imported in your document with a transparent background.
A very simple way to choose the perfect icons to illustrate your doc.

For now, 2 icon set are available via this add-on, for a total of more than 1800 icons:
- 900+ icons from Font Awesome -
- 900+ icons from Google Material Design -

Once you selected an icon and added it in your doc, right-click and select "Format options" to drop a shadow, add a reflexion and much more.

Insert Icons also exists for Google Slides & Google Sheets!
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Maksym Pyrohoid
28 липня 2023 р.
Why does the author not tell how to turn on the program? Why is it unknown where and how to turn on the program after installation?
Чи був цей відгук корисним?
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