Integrity checking for Google Classroom™ allows teachers to check student submissions for text similarity and potential plagiarism. Available for former Ouriginal customers.
Дата оновлення:16 липня 2024 р.
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Enable Integrity checking with Google Classroom™ to allow teachers to check students submissions for potential plagiarism. Submitted documents are analyzed and checked for any matching text across an extensive content database that consists of current and archived internet pages; licensed journals & publications, and previously submitted student material. The text similarity checking is supported across 176 languages. 

When the system finds similarities in the text, the results are presented in an easy-to-read report, which shows details of all the matching content and the sources they were matched against. For English submissions, the matches are categorised into types of text matches for better guidance on how to improve writing going forward. Educators are encouraged to use this report and its findings to help students write original content by providing them valuable feedback.
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Перегляд і завантаження всіх ваших файлів на Google Диску
Надсилання електронних листів від вашого імені
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Перегляд уроків у Google Класі
Перегляд робіт і оцінок студентів із курсів Google Класу, на яких ви викладаєте або якими керуєте
Перегляд електронних адрес учнів у ваших класах
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