Meet Intellinote, a team productivity platform that helps teams work together and accomplish more, everyday. Free for teams up to 5 people. Sign up and get started in under a minute. No credit card needed.
Intellinote enables Individuals, Teams and Entire Companies to:

- Create Virtual Workspaces. Capture, organize and integrate notes, files, tasks and all other digital work content within private, flexible and secure workspaces. Intellinote for iPad

- Take Actions and Collaborate. Collaborate with team members. Assign and prioritize tasks and goals. Ask and answer questions. Share and discuss knowledge. Intellinote for Desktop

- Seamlessly Get Work Done. Execute everyday projects, manage collaborative workflows and build valuable knowledge libraries from anywhere, anytime, on any device.

More about Intellinote:

Intellinote is the first cloud-based Workforce Operations Management (WOM) solution built from the ground up to optimize everyday collaborative workflows. Designed for both individuals and teams, Intellinote enables everyone to create virtual workspaces, take actions, collaborate, and seamlessly get work done - anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Intellinote is simple to use, requires no IT resources to implement, and includes dozens of pre-configured integrations and templates to support a wide range of existing business applications and functions. More than 2000 global organizations - ranging from SMBs to Fortune 500 companies - use Intellinote to enhance the efficiency and productivity of their workforces. Backed by premier venture capital investors, Intellinote is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and can be found online at or on Twitter @IntellinoteInc.
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