Use to easily schedule, join, and customize interviews from Google Calendar.
Ficha actualizada:9 de agosto de 2021
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Información general provides powerful video calling, live code collaboration, smartly engineered playback of the interview session, environment setup for multiple programming languages and collaborative whiteboarding.

Why you should install this add-on?

In every tech interview:
- The first 7-10 minutes are wasted in environment setup for evaluation of coding skills.
- Follow-up questions are asked on another tool outside of video call just to share a code snippet with the candidate.
- Feedback of the round is often delayed & submitted several hours to few days after regular follow-ups because it has to be submitted on another tool which is pain-taking.
- Rounds are not well-structured and many times the same question is asked across rounds.

How installing this will help solve the above problems?

- This add-on will help you schedule interviews powered by Intervue compresses a one-hour round into five to seven minutes of playback, along with feedback from the interviewer & drawing board history to provide a holistic view of the round.
- The feedback is taken by the panel on the platform and is auto-submitted after the session ends.
- It is built for teams, so anyone can do an easy search to find out more about an interview.
- The environment is prepared in under 1 second for 35+ programming languages making it blazingly fast.
- Easy access to question bank with drag & drop capability to organise them into rounds makes it easy to structure the rounds.
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Conectarse a un servicio externo.
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