INubem is an application builder that can be used by anyone, even those who are unfamiliar with the development of systems. An application built with INubem replaces a shared worksheet with many advantages: it is more secure (accidental removals can be recovered), data can be segregated for each type of user and the relationships between the data can be in many ways. If you need to make a data entry application in a few minutes, if you need to organize this data in a structured way, and at the same time you want absolute control over who visualizes or changes the data, this is the perfect solution.
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Información general
INubem is an application builder that can be used by anyone, even those who are unfamiliar with the development of systems. An application built with INubem replaces a shared worksheet with many advantages: it is more secure (accidental removals can be recovered), data can be segregated for each type of user and the relationships between the data can be in many ways. If you need to make a data entry application in a few minutes, if you need to organize this data in a structured way, and at the same time you want absolute control over who visualizes or changes the data, this is the perfect solution.
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inubem.comEstado de operador no especificado
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