Convert IP addresses to a variety of other formats like lat/long, city/state/country, ASN, integer, hex, and more...
호환 기기:
IP Converter is a Google Sheets Add-on that allows you to convert IP addresses to a variety of other formats like lat/long, city/state/country, ASN, integer, hex, and more...

This add-on supports the conversion of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.  

To use it:

1) Install the add-on from the G Suite Marketplace
2) Select the range of IP addresses you want to convert
3) Select Add-ons > IP Tools > Convert from the Google Sheets menu
4) Select the output format
5) Click Convert
사업자 상태가 지정되지 않음
IP Converter에서 아래에 표시된 권한을 요청합니다. 자세히 알아보기
IP Converter에서 Google 계정에 액세스해야 함
이렇게 하면 IP Converter에서 다음 작업을 할 수 있습니다.
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