IPA Translator is a free and easy to use converter of English text to IPA and back. Simply type in the text you would like to be transcribed into IPA phonetic symbols and hit the "CONVERT" button.
Дата оновлення:21 грудня 2021 р.
17 тис.+
IPA Translator is a free and easy to use converter of English text to IPA and back. Simply type in the text you would like to be transcribed into IPA phonetic symbols and hit the "CONVERT" button. You will see the phonetic transcription of your text displayed in the text area below.

The phonetic transcription displayed will show you how each word is pronounced using IPA symbols (US pronunciation). You can then use this information to help you improve your pronunciation of English words. You can also play audio of each word by clicking on “PLAY AUDIO” next to each word.

(Icon has been designed using resources from Flaticon.com)

Convert text from IPA and back
Hear the correct pronunciation, get a short audio file
See the last 5 conversions in the history
Import selected text from the documents
Works in Documents / Sheets / Slides
Completely free, unlimited conversions
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