Quote and book truckload shipments in seconds with J.B. Hunt’s Quick Quote tool!
Дата оновлення:21 липня 2022 р.
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Ship your products and delight your customers. Shipper 360™ clients can receive multiple truckload quotes directly from Google Sheets™ and then book those shipments with the Google Workspace™ Add-In.

Quick Quote lets you receive shipping quotes anytime from anywhere. You don’t need to call a representative or email your information to anyone. Instead, you have a complete self-service tool at your fingertips with the ease of a spreadsheet. When you find the quote you want, you can book the shipment seamlessly using your J.B. Hunt Shipper 360™ account. 

Put your products on the shelves faster with Quick Quote!
•	Enter your Quick Quote info for equipment, pickup, destination, and pick-up date     
•	Receive one or multiple quotes in seconds
•	Get real-time quotes for tomorrow, this week, or up to 14 days out
•	Select the quotes you want to book
•	Book the shipments faster in Shipper 360™
Create a free Shipper 360™ account (https://bit.ly/3Ltb6K3). 

Quotes are estimates and subject to change up until the time of booking.
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