Built for Remodelers and Custom Home Builders, the Job Costing Workbook is a cloud-based Google Template that provides real time project costing with unparalleled filtering.
정보 업데이트:2022년 2월 8일
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With the Job Costing Workbook Template you will finally have the real-time solution for knowing how your construction projects are performing versus the estimated amount.  Having real-time access to your numbers is what makes the difference between profiting and leaving money on the table.

Whether you are a fixed-cost or cost-plus remodeler or custom home builder, this template works for you.  Ditch trying to stitch together reports from Quickbooks, Excel, and other sources and get in firm control of your project budgets right now.


Using the Job Costing Workbook template is simple: 

Install this add-on to your Google organization.
When you’ve loaded this into your Google account, click Start under the add-on menu.
You’ll be prompted to copy the template if you don’t already have it.
You’ll be prompted to complete payment if you haven’t already done so.

Setting up your projects:

Start by adding your projects, employees, employee wages and other details on the “Data Tables” tab.
You are then ready to start adding in your expenses, change orders, and invoiced amounts into the “Job Costing” tab through the side bar.
Set a regular schedule of adding your expenses, change orders, and invoices into this Job Costing tab on a weekly basis to stay up to date with real-time insights.
For more information, please consult the training videos that are emailed to you when payment is completed.

About ConstructionConsulting.Co Inc.

An organization led by Bryan Kaplan, a 21+ year residential remodeling and custom home building veteran.  Bryan’s on a mission to help you understand your numbers so you can get paid for the value you bring to your client’s homes.
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