JobTwine Copilot Add-on helps organizations hire the right talent by using AI to streamline interviews, eliminate bias, and provide data-driven insights for better hiring decisions.
Ficha actualizada:14 de noviembre de 2024
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Información general
At JobTwine, we're on a mission to help organizations consistently hire the right talent by creating an efficient and inclusive interviewing ecosystem. Our platform leverages AI-powered interviews to save time, streamline processes, eliminate unconscious bias, and enhance the candidate experience.

We empower interviewers with the data they need to make informed, data-driven hiring decisions. With the JobTwine Copilot GMeet add-on, interviewers can conduct streamlined interviews and capture essential data. This information is then analyzed by our AI engine, enabling organizations to make the best hiring choices.
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JobTwine Copilot necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
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Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
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