Jostle brings everyone together and helps each person succeed. We're an employee success platform that's replacing intranets.
정보 업데이트:2022년 12월 14일
Looking for a way to bring all your Google users together so they can connect, communicate, and celebrate in a more focused way? Our employee success platform makes this easy.

Jostle is replacing intranets, which have always dispersed information and reinforced organizational silos. We take a more human approach—one that truly sets up each person in your organization for success. Learn how at

Jostle’s platform provides the clarity and recognition people need to succeed. With our platform, everyone can connect, communicate, and celebrate across locations and departments. Learn how and see a quick video tour at

Jostle’s platform was developed from the ground up to integrate with all things Google:
- Full support for Google SSO (OpenID)
- Automated syncing of employee data to/from
- Automatic account creation for new users in your domain
- Deep integration with Google collaborative files, including Docs and Slides
- Including syncing of file access permissions
- Integration with Google Calendar and Gmail
- Org chart function that syncs departments and teams to Google Groups

Learn more about these Google integrations at

Start your free trial now.

About Jostle

Jostle’s employee success platform is where everyone connects, communicates, and celebrates at work. It’s the heartbeat of our own company and has helped employees in over 1,000 organizations easily belong and contribute, anywhere, anytime. With industry-leading participation rates, we’re putting the joy into work and the life into organizations.
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Google Drive 파일 보기, 수정, 생성, 삭제
내 도메인 그룹의 프로비저닝 조회 및 관리
도메인에 있는 조직 단위 조회
도메인 사용자의 프로비저닝 조회 및 관리
G Suite 그룹 설정을 조회 및 관리합니다.
기본 Google 계정의 이메일 주소 확인
개인정보(공개로 설정한 개인정보 포함) 보기
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