The easiest, no-code way to manage parameters of your app or game in Google Sheets™. One-click export as JSON to a modern API platform for instant distribution at scale.
Дата оновлення:23 вересня 2024 р.
Transform the way operate your app or game; save hours of time. Ever wish you could make a change in Google Sheets™ then it is instantly reflected in your app or game?

Joystick for Google Sheets™ gives you and your team direct control of your app or game. Make changes in your spreadsheet, then instantly have configuration and parameter updates available to your application at scale over our powerful API platform. No waiting.

▸ No-code one-click export to a powerful remote configuration platform for distribution at scale.
▸ Schema and data type validation and protection.
▸ Export Named Ranges or entire sheets into JSON.
▸ Handle complicated objects and arrays with ease.
▸ Use multiple tables and ranges to compose a single, complex JSON configuration.
▸ Define and export mulitple JSON configurations from the same Google Sheets™.

Joystick for Google Sheets™ is your entry point into a modern and robust remote configuration management platform the whole team will love.
▸ Multiple Environments
▸ Schema Validation
▸ Multi-user Approvals Workflow
▸ Version Management
▸ Distribution at Scale
▸ Segmentation and AB Testing

▸ Fast and friendly support
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