Effortlessly bring data from various sources into Google Sheets™, automatically normalized so you can start reporting right away — Use our ready-made dashboards to save hours or create your own.
Дата оновлення:26 жовтня 2024 р.
Unlock the power of your data with JustDataPlease Reports, an add-on for Google Sheets™ that makes it easy to bring information from various sources directly into your spreadsheets. The data is automatically organized and formatted, so you can start reporting right away without any extra work.

At JustDataPlease Reports, your privacy is our top priority. We do not save any tokens, credentials, or personal information—your data stays with you. Everything is saved on your Google Sheets™, and only you have access to it. We're the only service that doesn't store any of your information, ensuring that your sensitive data remains secure and private.

• Effortless Data Import: Bring data from multiple sources into Google Sheets™ without any coding or technical skills.

• Automatic Data Formatting: Your data is automatically organized and normalized, so you don't have to adjust it yourself.

• Ready-Made Dashboards: Use our collection of pre-built dashboards to get started quickly and save hours of setup time.

• Customizable Reports: Build your own dashboards and reports to focus on the data that matters most to you.

➤ 1. Install the Add-on:
• Go to the Google Workspace™ Marketplace and install JustDataPlease Reports.

➤ 2. Open the Add-on in Google Sheets™:
• In your Google Sheets™ document, navigate to "Add-ons" > JustDataPlease Reports > "Open".

➤ 3. Configure Report:
• Define the report you want to generate.

➤ 4. Add Authentication:
• Add the authentication token or credentials required to generate a report.

➤ 5. Sync Your Report:
Once configured, press the sync icon to begin syncing your report.

➤ GitHub Repo Research
👉 Live Demo Dashboard: https://justdataplease.com/product/github-repos-research/

Explore specific GitHub repositories to discover:
• What the community is interested in and trending topics.
• How popular projects are and how they're growing.

• ⏱️ Save Time
Avoid manual data entry and the tedious process of data formatting.

• 👌 Easy to Use
Designed for everyone—no technical expertise or coding required.

• 🔀 Flexible Options
Use our ready-made dashboards for quick insights or create your own custom reports—the choice is yours.

• 📈 Always Improving
We're constantly adding new data sources and connectors to meet your evolving needs.

Transform how you work with data in Google Sheets™. With JustDataPlease Reports, you can focus on analyzing information and making informed decisions, not on data collection and formatting. Start reporting right away and take your data analysis to the next level.
Додаткова iнформацiя
ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
Додаток JustDataPlease запитає наведені нижче дозволи. Докладніше
Додатку JustDataPlease буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток JustDataPlease зможе:
Перегляд, створення, редагування й видалення всіх ваших Google Таблиць
Показуйте веб-вміст третіх сторін у підказках і на бічних панелях у додатках Google
Під’єднання до зовнішніх служб
Надання дозволу на запуск цієї програми, коли ви відсутні
Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
Переглядайте особисту інформацію, зокрема всі відомості, які зробили загальнодоступними
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