Kaizena helps teacher provide fast, high-quality feedback on student work
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35 M+
Información general
Hi everyone - super happy to share our biggest update since we launched Kaizena. All Kaizena feedback features, including voice comments, lessons, and skills, are now available inside Google Docs as a Google Doc Add-on. You will not have to leave Google Docs to record voice comments, add lessons, or track skills.

- Highlight and record a voice comment without leaving Google Docs!
- Stop repeating yourself with our Lessons feature, which let you attach saved feedback to highlights inside a Google Doc
- Track evidence of skills students demonstrate in their Google Docs with our Skills feature
- Students will be able to edit their work immediately after receiving your feedback
- Easier for peers to provide feedback - any Google Doc collaborator can provide feedback!

Note: if you previously used Kaizena Shortcut and don't want to change right now, don't worry! You will be prompted to choose Kaizena Shortcut or the new Kaizena.


The Education Endowment Foundation discovered that feedback is the most effective teaching practice, equivalent to 8 additional months of class time per year. Research has shown that feedback is more effective than one on one tutoring, reduced class sizes, and teaching assistants.


"Students will be reeled in by the ability to get detailed feedback from peers or teachers. The easy-to-use interface and dashboard help kids stay engaged."

Stephanie Trautman
Common Sense Reviewer, Teacher

"We've gained a lot of class time back since my one to one conferences now take place directly on students' writing"

Jenna Falconer
Kaizena Champion, Teacher

"Now, my kids are receiving more feedback, and much more detailed feedback. No longer constrained by the amount of space left on the page, or the ache in my forearm."

Katherine Cozens
Kaizena Champion, Teacher


Need a little extra help?
Checkout our help guides at https://kaizena.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/
or send us a message at help@kaizena.com.

Follow us on Twitter @KaizenaHQ
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