Validate tabular bioinformatics file formats in Google Sheets, including QIIME 2 metadata files.
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15 N+
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Keemei is an open source Google Sheets add-on for validating tabular bioinformatics file formats, including QIIME 2 metadata files.

With Keemei, you can create, edit, and validate your tabular bioinformatics files, all within Google Sheets! You don't need to worry about installing external software, exporting your spreadsheet for validation, or using the command line. Keemei is portable, available anywhere you can access Google Sheets.

Keemei supports validating the following file formats:

- QIIME 2 metadata files
- QIIME 1 mapping files
- Qiita sample information files
- SRGD files (e.g., for use with geneGIS)

For more info about Keemei, visit

If you use Keemei for any published research, please include the following citation:

Keemei: cloud-based validation of tabular bioinformatics file formats in Google Sheets.
Rideout JR, Chase JH, Bolyen E, Ackermann G, González A, Knight R, Caporaso JG.
GigaScience. 2016;5:27.

Find the Keemei paper here:

WARNING: Keemei displays validation status by modifying cell background colors and notes. If you use Keemei, you will lose ALL existing cell background colors and notes in the active sheet. There are future plans to minimize Keemei's impact on your Google Sheets, but for the time being this is a caveat of using Keemei.
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