Kelp automatically organizes your documents, events and contacts to make work make sense.
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Información general
Kelp started out of a need for better way to prepare for meetings. It helps you quickly gather the information you need.

Organization for humans
Kelp meets you where you are. It doesn’t ask you to change how you organize your work or how you collaborate.

Quickly prepare for meetings
Kelp scans your calendar and documents to automatically collect the documents you need. It then annotates your calendar. Easy.

Manage work relationships
Kelp infers associations between information, such as between a person, a meeting with the person and document edits by the person.
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PrecioNo disponible
Estado de operador no especificado
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Términos del Servicio
Kelp solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
Kelp necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Kelp podrá:
Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu información personal, incluida la que has compartido públicamente
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