Power your SEO in Google Sheets™. Do keyword research, competitor research and more, all inside Google Sheets™.
정보 업데이트:2023년 11월 20일
호환 기기:
Keywords in Sheets Pro (BETA) is a Google Sheets™ Add-On to help power your keyword research, and more, all inside Google Sheets.

What's included?
Keywords in Sheets includes four premium functions, and 6 free functions (and growing).

Free functions:

1. Status Code Checker.
Get the HTTP response status code of a URL.

2. Wayback Machine.
Get saved URLs for a domain from Wayback Machine.

3. Redirect Checker.
Get the redirected URL.

4. Local Keywords.
Append your keywords with all locations, from any country.

5. Link Checker.
Check to see if a link / mention exists on a page.

6. XML Sitemap.
Get sitemap URLs.

Premium functions:

1. Search Volume
Get search volume for 1000s of keywords across any location, in seconds.

2. Related Keywords
Get up to 1,000 related keywords for a seed keyword.

3. Competitor Keywords
Get all of the keywords your competitors are ranking for.

4. Search Results
Get search results across multiple countries and languages.
가격유료 기능을 포함한 무료
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모든 Google Sheets 스프레드시트 확인, 수정, 생성, 삭제
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