Allow users to easily report suspicious emails to an organization’s security personnel.
Ändrades senast:30 november 2023
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KillPhish Lite for Google Workspace is an add-on for end users to easily report suspicious emails to an organization’s security personnel. KillPhish integrates with the PhishingBox suite of tools for improving overall employee security awareness. Teaching employees to identify suspicious emails is a key component of security in today’s environment.

When KillPhish is used with the PhishingBox Phishing Simulator, simulated phishing emails that are part of a security awareness testing campaign are included in the Net Reporter Score or NRS. The NRS is an easy-to-understand metric for measuring an organization’s employee security awareness posture. KillPhish seamlessly integrates with Google Workspace to allow the identification and reporting of suspicious emails, making it simple for organizations to manage their employees’ email security awareness.

Note: KillPhish Lite for Google Workspace is a limited version of KillPhish, with only reporting capability and requires a license with PhishingBox to use.
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Hantera utkast och skicka e-postmeddelanden när du använder tillägget
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