KIT Merge creates unlimited customized documents. Pulling data from Google Forms or Sheets, KIT Merge will automatically produce personalized Slides, Docs, or PDFs.
Ändrades senast:10 januari 2024
Fungerar med:
KIT Merge is a simple solution to generate any number of personalized PDFs, Google Slides, or Google Docs for a variety of purposes within your Google Workspace™ account. KIT Merge uses data from your Google Forms or Sheets and merges it into customized documents for each recipient. The embedded step-by-step instructions make it easy for anyone to create and send these personalized documents in just a few minutes.

This new Add-on was designed based on comprehensive feedback from teachers seeking a free, simple solution to help them better personalize instructional resources to students, stay organized, and ultimately improve student engagement and success. Since most educators already use Google Forms, Sheets, Doc, and Slides, using KIT Merge, a free Google Workspace Add-on, is an added benefit to provide this instant feedback to individual students. The ideas are endless:

📌 Used Google Forms to collect information or used an already populated Google Sheets to send students personalized certificates, project outlines, story starters, and more.
📌 Have a substitute? The substitute can complete a Google Form to report about the day. With KIT Merge, the teacher gets the data, but the substitute also gets a PDF of the day’s report. 
📌 Use Google Sheets to create learning stations for students and KIT Merge it to each student for their unique schedule.  
📌 Teams of teachers can collaborate to build a collection of lesson plans with an editable output file to keep from year to year.  
📌 Send volunteer requests to guardians in Google Forms and KIT Merge replied to guardians with a PDF of their request to help.

Please join our Google Group for more tips, tricks, and discussion:
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KIT Merge behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger KIT Merge behörighet att:
Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina dokument i Google Dokument
Visa, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina filer på Google Drive
Visa grundläggande data om valda mappar och filer på Google Drive
Se, skapa och ändra egen konfigurationsdata på din Google Drive
Visa och hantera dina formulär i Google Drive
Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina presentationer i Google Presentationer
Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina kalkylark i Google Kalkylark
Skicka e-post åt dig
Visa, redigera, dela och radera alla kalendrar du har åtkomst till via Google Kalender
Visa och kör externt webbinnehåll i meddelanden och sidofält i appar från Google
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Skicka e-post i ditt namn
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Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
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