A code highlighter for Google Docs.
Listingan diperbarui:5 Oktober 2021
Berfungsi dengan:
10 rb+
Kodify is a text highlighter for Google Docs based on markdown. You can add backticks (`) around any words to format them to have an `inline code style`. After you add them, go to the Google Docs Menu bar above, and press `Kodify > Apply Style`.

If you want to apply the style to a code block, surround the block with three backticks, as below. Here's an example for C# highlighting.

using System.IO.Compression;

#pragma warning disable 414, 3021

namespace MyApplication
    class Program : IInterface
        public static List<int> JustDoIt(int count)
            Span<int> numbers = stackalloc int[length];
            Console.WriteLine($"Hello {Name}!");
            return new List<int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 })

Kodify also allows for the code blocks to be given a different style. Here's an exhaustive list of those styles:

# This will make the code block slightly red, and can help prevent users
# from trying to copy and paste code from blocks you are telling them
# are an anti-pattern/broken/bad.

# This makes the code block slightly green.
See the screenshots for the final results!
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