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Connect MySQL ™, PostgreSQL ™, SQL Server ™, Google ™ products, CSV, API, JSON, XML, and a lot more, to Google Sheets ™!
Oppføring oppdatert:21. august 2024
Fungerer med:
Video Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC3HmpFen0McyRNoOzFFazA/videos

⇨ Use cases:
    ■ Import MySQL™ to spreadsheets. You can add your database connection credentials and write SQL queries within seconds!
    ■ Import PostgreSQL™ (Postgres) data to spreadsheets.
    ■ Import Microsoft SQL™ Server data to spreadsheets.
    ■ Import Facebook Ads & Page Insights™ to spreadsheets. 
    ■ Import Google Ads™ data to spreadsheets. Use Metrics, Attributes and Segments in your queries.
    ■ Import Google Search Console™ data to spreadsheets. Use our solution to get historical data!
    ■ Import JSON to spreadsheets. Use JSONPath in your queries. You can also use this tool as a JSON viewer and view JSON data inside a spreadsheet.
    ■ Automatically Import CSV data to spreadsheets.
    ■ Import XML to spreadsheets. You can use XPath in your queries to bring the data that’s of interest to you.
    ■ Import Website data Sitemap to spreadsheets.
    ■ Import REST API in spreadsheets. You can use one of the available connections for JSON or XML depending on your API return format.
    ■ Import Real Estate object file formats like to spreadsheets.
    ■ Web Scraping html, website content, tables to spreadsheets
    ■ Connect Oracle Database to spreadsheets
    ■ Import Youtube Analytics™ to spreadsheets (Video & Channel statistics)
    ■ Connect Google Search Console™ to spreadsheets

--> No Google Apps Script required!

➡ Meet KPIBees, a GDPR compliant tool that imports data from various products or services into spreadsheets and with just a few clicks you can create beautiful marketing dashboards.

In your day-to-day work, you use a ton of software tools and always struggle to analyze the data from them. These tools usually offer their own analytics, but you still crave to see the data in that elegant spreadsheet format - nothing can match that! And you end up manually copying everything into google sheets - for hours, every single week. Sometimes you have to.

⇨ How it works:
    ■ Select an integration
    ■ Select a cell in a spreadsheet where you want to bring the data.
    ■ Create a new query with the parameters that you want.
    ■ Save & Run the query.
    ■ And you're done! The Add-on will pull the data into the spreadsheet starting with your selected cell as a starting point!
You can create an unlimited number of queries and you can always come back to modify them and run them again. When you select a spreadsheet cell that is part of a query and the KPIBees Add-on is running, it pops up a notification and you can open that query or edit it!

⇨ Integrations
Do you want to have another integration? Please vote here: https://kpibees.typeform.com/to/lv7FP6

⇨ Legal
    ■ Terms of Use: https://kpibees.com/legal/terms-of-use/
    ■ Data Protection Agreement: https://kpibees.com/legal/data-protection-agreement/ (KPIBees is fully GDPR/BDSG compliant!)
    ■ Privacy Policy: https://kpibees.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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