Sync Kumospace conference rooms to Google Calendar™
정보 업데이트:2023년 6월 9일
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Sync your Kumospace conference rooms to Google Calendar™! Just install the add-on, select your space and start the sync. Now you will have your conference rooms ready to be book directly from your calendar.

Kumospace is a virtual office to bring teams together to do their best work.

Create Opportunity
Exposure to management and being “in the know” are critical for upward mobility, and retention. Kumospace levels the playing field for remote employees by providing visibility and allowing access to the water-cooler information.

Iterate Faster
Kumospace eliminates the overhead of scheduling meetings, freeing more time for deep work. Have a quick question? Walk over to your colleague with a keystroke – you’ll avoid miscommunication and make better decisions, faster.

Build Culture
Regular informal interactions foster deeper connections and trust between team members. Coworking in Kumospace helps integrate new team members, strengthens cross-departmental bonds, and creates a sense of belonging in remote teams.
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Kumospace Sync Tool에서 Google 계정에 액세스해야 함
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Google Calendar에서 내가 여는 일정 확인
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기본 Google 계정의 이메일 주소 확인
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