Label Templates by OnlineLabels allows users to generate label template gridlines that are compatible with OnlineLabels products.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:6 maja 2024
Współpracuje z:
22 tys.+
Label Templates by OnlineLabels now allows users to generate label templates on Google Docs™ that are 100% compatible with OnlineLabels products. Once launched, users can search for a product number, apply the gridlines, and add their designs. The gridlines must then be hidden before users print their label sheet.
Here’s how to begin:
1. In Google Docs™, click on Add-ons -> Label Templates by OnlineLabels -> Launch.
2. In the new right-hand sidebar, choose your OnlineLabels (or compatible) product number from the product dropdown.
3. Once you’ve confirmed that the proper product is selected, click on the “Generate Template” button to draw the gridlines for your label sheet.
4. Lay out your labels with text, images, backgrounds, etc. and apply to each cell as needed.
5. Before printing, make sure that the “Show gridlines” checkbox is disabled, otherwise, lines may appear on your printed sheets. We recommend printing on blank paper first to ensure that labels are appropriately aligned so that you don’t waste label sheets. To print, click on File -> Print.
6. Your labels should come out perfectly aligned! As always, if you require assistance, please feel free to reach out to the OnlineLabels support team at the following link and we’ll guide you through the process:
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Aplikacja Label Templates by OnlineLabels poprosi o uprawnienia wymienione poniżej. Więcej informacji
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Wyświetlanie, edytowanie, tworzenie i usuwanie wszystkich Twoich dokumentów z Dokumentów Google
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