Massive time savings on feedback! You can use one of the default profiles or create your own profile with unlimited comments.
Compatibile con:
LangCorr Language Corrector 
Marking and grading papers and tests is a time-consuming task that every teacher has to endure every single week. It is no wonder that digital assignments and electronic marking are becoming increasingly popular among teachers. Digitalized correction comments can significantly save time.
By using Language Corrector you will experience massive time savings on marking/grading activities and feedback! You can use one of the default feedback profiles or create your own profile with unlimited comments.
What is Language Corrector?
Language Corrector is a simple programme designed to make the marking of student papers much faster and more efficient. The teacher saves time and the students get better and more elaborate and versatile feedback. The programme includes elaborate marking profiles for English, Spanish, German, French, Italian and Danish. Each profile contains approximately 200 easily accessible comments that address common student errors. If your preferred language or subject is not already in the programme, you can easily set it up. 
Language Corrector can also be used by editors, creative writers, translators, etc. In short, everybody who regularly gives feedback can benefit from the programme. Instead of writing the same comment 2000 times, you simply write it one time and insert it 2000 times.
How it works
Language Corrector is an add-on to Google Docs that is simple to use and customize. Teachers only need to install it directly from Google Docs, activate it and then a toolbar will appear in Google Docs. Language Corrector then acts as a comment bank for the feedback that teachers want to give their students. A teacher can easily customize the toolbar and the comments to suit his or her needs.

First you choose whether you want to give feedback or see feedback. If you want to give feedback, you can make your own feedback profiles or choose one of the preinstalled profiles. You can also add categories and comments to your profiles and use your comments for fast feedback. It is also easy to edit an existing comment.
It is now easy to comment on semantic and syntactic issues by using the predefined comments. You will no longer have to write the same comments over and over again. By tapping a button, you can give the students more elaborate and precise feedback than ever before. 
Informazioni aggiuntive
PrezziNon disponibili
Stato commerciante non specificato
AssistenzaNon disponibili
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