Bridging the gap between LaTeX tables and Google Sheets. Scientist and Engineers we got you: values&error columns auto-merge with ±!
14 тис.+
LatexKit is a tool that helps you convert your tables to LaTeX code and much more!
* Export multiple tables at once
* Individual settings for each table
* Hlines templates
* Bigstrut
* Manual column type configuration
* Uncertainty +/- notation, i.e. merge values column with errors column.
* Escape LaTeX special characters (e.g. % -> \%)
* Export data to text files with swapped columns

Any suggestions or questions are welcome at
We would love to hear from you.
For more information visit the add-on homepage

Change log

* Manual column type configuration (e.g. r, for right alignment)  available through the "MANUAL" template (see Add-on --> LatexKit --> Show Settings)
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