This add on enables you to work directly with LawVu from your existing Gmail based workflow. It streamlines the process of creating and updating your legal matters by enabling you to import email content and attachments.
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Información general
LawVu gives you a clearer view of your Legal operations. 

LawVu for Gmail enables you to work directly with LawVu from your existing Gmail based workflow. It streamlines the process of creating and updating your legal matters by enabling you to import email content and attachments.

With LawVu for Gmail you can: 

- Create new Matters in LawVu directly from Gmail, seamlessly capturing content and file attachments from a Gmail message.

- Compose or Reply to an email, adding a matter specific email address to the message, enabling it to be imported via an automated inbox into the LawVu system.

- Capture file attachments from a Gmail message and import directly into your LawVu matters.

- Create a new Conversation in a LawVu matter directly from Gmail, including entire emails and attachments.
Información adicional
PrecioNo disponible
Estado de operador no especificado
AsistenciaNo disponible
Política de privacidad
Términos del Servicio
LawVu solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
LawVu necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, LawVu podrá:
Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu información personal, incluida la que has compartido públicamente
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