Lead Developer+ is a Real Estate Development Proforma for residential, commercial, mixed-use & land development projects. The world's first property development feasibility software for Google Sheets.
Lead Developer+ is fully customisable, dynamic and 100% cloud-based property development feasibility software and real estate development pro forma suitable for any country worldwide.
Successfully battle-tested in United States, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Thailand, Malaysia, South Africa and most Asian countries.

Real Estate Development Pro Forma - Features

.  Define custom currency, tax codes, tax rates, cost codes and cost centres in local terminology.
.  Unlimited Timeline - No limit to the number of years your project takes. Dynamically expand your project to any number of years.

Types Of Developments
.  Ideal for all Residential, Commercial & Retail, Mixed-Use, Land Development Projects.

All scenarios covered, whether you intend to
.  Develop & Sell  - post-development, sell all units and realise development profit.
.  Develop & Hold - post-development, lease all units and hold for "x" years & then sell them with the capital event occurring in 5-10-15-30-"x" years.
.  Sell Some and Hold Some - ideal for investors. Post-development, sell enough units to pay down debt and lease others as long term investment. 

Sale Value & Construction Costs
.  Multiple methods to determine the end sales value of your units.
.  Calculate construction & or refurbishment costs for the whole project using various techniques to account for either individual units or each specific space.

Cost Distributions
.  Project costs using the straight-line method or
.  Using S-Curve distribution to project costs across your development pipeline with the flexibility to control the steepness of the S-Curve from a scale of 1-10.

Financing options
Includes multiple financing options to account for interest costs through various stages of your development.
.  Land acquisition loan - start with a land acquisition loan and get the site ready for construction. Or go straight to
.  Construction Loan - refinance land acquisition loan & convert it to a construction loan.
.  Mezzanine Loan - easily add a mezzanine loan to complete the project. 
.  Order of Debt Funding - Select the order in which both the construction and the mezzanine loan will fund the project. Utilise mezzanine loan first and construction loan second or vice versa or chose to utilise both loans pari-passu.
.  Work with investors - use both developers equity or GP (General Partners) and or investors equity / LP (Limited Partners) to fund the project.
.  Order of GP & LP Funding - Select the order of funds contributed by GP's & LP's. Utilise GP's equity first and LP's investment second or vice versa or chose to utilise both simultaneously.
.  Cost of Developers Equity - Calculate finance and interest costs on developers equity separately to see its impact on the project.
.  Cost of Investors Equity or Misc Loan - Calculate finance and interest costs on a miscellaneous loan or use it to calculate return on investors funds separately.
.  Permanent Loan - use a permanent loan to pay out the construction loan when holding the developed units as a cash flow investment. Calculate NOI (net Operating Income) and CFFO (cash flow from operations) and decide the best time to sell based on discounted cash flow analysis.
.  Finance Calculation Options - various combinations of interest calculations available, including interest only, principal and interest, interest-free periods, loan fees, line fees, loan setup costs etc.

Summary & Pro Forma
.  Professional combined summary for the entire project 
.  Use Pro Forma Summary for units held as a long term investment with segmented pro forma view for mixed-use projects.
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