Setup your automation once and let Lead Log Index, Log & List Files From Google Drive Folders In Google Sheets Quickly & Easily.
Дата оновлення:24 липня 2022 р.

Auto Index, Log & List Files From Google Drive Folders In Google Sheets

Setup your automation once and let Lead Log Index, Log & List Files From Google Drive Folders In Google Sheets Quickly & Easily. 

LeadLog by Property Development System is an add-on that helps you Index, Log & List Files From Google Drive Folders In Google Sheets. It indexes every child folder and lists every file that’s in the folder. 
You can setup the automation to run periodically so you have an up to date index of all your files in a particular folder. Setup as many Google Sheets for as many Google Drive folders as you like.
Lead Log generates a Document ID & a sharable link for each individual file so you can easily share the link with anyone subject to the folder sharing permissions set in Google Drive.
6 Extra columns are provided so you can sort, date, categorise & filter this data any way you like using dropdown or notes. You can also filter using our 4 built in reports.
Lead Log Also strips the text from the documents where possible so you can search for your documents by file name as well as with text within the documents.
For more use cases, checkout our LeadLog playlist on our YouTube Channel
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