PROJECT BUDGET TEMPLATE & CONSTRUCTION BUDGET TEMPLATE With Cashflow, Sub-Contractors, Dependencies And Billing Cycles.
Ändrades senast:24 juli 2022
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Lead Project is a FREE, CUSTOMISABLE PROJECT BUDGET TEMPLATE. It is especially suited for builders and construction contractors and most commonly used as a CONSTRUCTION BUDGET TEMPLATE.
-- Fully customisable with the ability to customise account heads, cost heads and cost codes that can be used centrally across unlimited project budgets.
-- Use tax codes like GST & VAT and allocate tax % for custom calculations. Just select Not Applicable, if GST & VAT does not apply to your country.
-- Allocate & calculate costs based on area, per unit or quantity.
-- Easily define dependencies by selecting the start date and number of workdays required to complete a task and project your budget over your project timeline to get a clear picture of your monthly cash flow.
-- Lead Project goes a step further and allows you to enter your billing cycle with various trades and sub-contractors so you can get a more accurate cash flow projection for your project budget.
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