The simplest way to turn your Google Sheetโ„ข into an online leaderboard.
ื“ืฃ ื”ืืคืœื™ืงืฆื™ื” ืขื•ื“ื›ืŸ ื‘ืชืืจื™ืš:13 ื‘ื™ื•ื ื™ 2024
ื”ืืคืœื™ืงืฆื™ื” ืคื•ืขืœืช ืขื:
ืกืงื™ืจื” ื›ืœืœื™ืช
Leaderboarded is the simplest way to turn your Google Sheetโ„ข into an online leaderboard. Make yours in under 5 minutes! 

Allowing managers, tournament organisers and teachers to see their players' performance, stunningly visualised in a way that motivates every player to succeed. 

With our leaderboard tool you can:

- Visualize data so you and your players can keep track of how each player is performing and motivate everyone to improve.
- Automate your leaderboards by seeing any real-time data updates on your spreadsheet reflected on your leaderboards.
- Choose the performance metrics you want to display. 
- Pick a theme from our professionally created library and add your own logo and colors to customize it to your organization or event.
- Display your leaderboards on desktop, mobile or TV so everyone can get involved.

How it works:

- Seamlessly sign up with your Googleโ„ข account.
- You will be taken to the Google Workspace Marketplaceโ„ข to install the Google Sheetsโ„ข Leaderboarded app in one click.
- Find your Leaderboarded app on the sidebar. Enter the names and scores of your players into the relevant cells. 
- Increase engagement even more by including each playerโ€™s profile picture.
- Follow the URL link on your spreadsheet to view and share your generated leaderboard on

To learn more about our leaderboard tool, visit our website and get started today. 
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ื”ืืคืœื™ืงืฆื™ื” Leaderboarded ืชื‘ืงืฉ ืœืงื‘ืœ ืืช ื”ื”ืจืฉืื•ืช ืฉืžืคื•ืจื˜ื•ืช ืœืžื˜ื”. ืžื™ื“ืข ื ื•ืกืฃ
ื”ืืคืœื™ืงืฆื™ื” Leaderboarded ืชืฆื˜ืจืš ื’ื™ืฉื” ืœื—ืฉื‘ื•ืŸ Google ืฉืœืš
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ืžื™ื•ืŸ ืœืคื™:
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ืกื’ื™ืจืช ื”ื—ื™ืคื•ืฉ
ืืคืœื™ืงืฆื™ื•ืช Google
ื”ืชืคืจื™ื˜ ื”ืจืืฉื™