Analyse Learndash course and learner's activity easily. You need to install a Learndash Analytics WordPress plugin to your site
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LearnDash courseware plugin provides one of the best ways to easily create online courses using WordPress.LearnDash Analyze spreadsheet is created for easy reporting and enhanced experience for course creators. The easiness of analysis comes from the use of google spreadsheet you make be browsing emails and want to see the users activity of your course. What do you? Just log in to google drive and then open a spreadsheet with this add-in and voila you can see user activity on a real-time basis.

The use of google powered system as a backend for the reporting has immense benefit as it is failsafe and extremely fast.
Now course admin will have the ability to analyze the performance of his courses and various users on real-time basis!

Here are specific advantages 

(i) A real-time graph on course,  lessons , topic and quiz use 
(ii)User activity on various courses presented in the graph.
(iii) No need to login to your WordPress site to analyze performance.

What reporting at present easily viewable?

LearnDash Analyze spreadsheet will provide you with an instant answer to the following question quickly
(i) Which course is selling fast?
(ii) Which course is being attended in highest numbers?
(iii) Which course lessons are highest and least completed?
(iv) How many users have not yet started taking courses or lessons or topics?

The report data are presented in percentage terms, so you can easily understand the comparison of progress.
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LearnDash Analytics aşağıda gösterilen izinleri ister. Daha fazla bilgi
LearnDash Analytics uygulamasının Google hesabınıza erişmesi gerekir
Bu, LearnDash Analytics uygulamasının şunları yapmasına olanak tanır:
Google Dokümanlar'daki tüm dokümanlarınızı görme, düzenleme, oluşturma ve silme
Google Drive'daki formlarınızı görüntüleyin ve yönetin
Google E-Tablolar'daki tüm e-tablolarınızı görme, düzenleme, oluşturma ve silme
Google uygulamaları içindeki istemlerde ve kenar çubuklarında üçüncü taraf web içeriği gösterip çalıştırın
Harici bir hizmete bağlanın
Birincil Google Hesabı e-posta adresinizi görme
Herkese açık olarak sunduklarınız da dahil olmak üzere kişisel bilgilerinizi görme
Sıralama ölçütü:
Google, yorumları ve verilen puanları doğrulamaz. Yorumlar hakkında daha fazla bilgi
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Aramayı kapat
Google uygulamaları
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