A legal referencing management tool that enables automated cross-referencing.
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35 tys.+
A properly placed "ibid" or "supra note #"  is tedious work. The accuracy of repeated citations may be lost as a document is being written. LCA alleviates users from having to worry about the accuracy of subsequent citations.  When a user cites a reference for the first time with LCA, they will be prompted to enter the reference's information into LCA's input fields. The user will then be able to insert the reference into a footnote using LCA's cite function. Once cited, the reference becomes a member of the table of authorities and can be cited again using LCA's cite function. The LCA cite function enables automated and accurate subsequent referencing (parallel citations), significantly reducing time spent writing legal documents.
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Aplikacja Legal Citations Assistant poprosi o uprawnienia wymienione poniżej. Więcej informacji
Aplikacja Legal Citations Assistant będzie potrzebowała dostępu do Twojego konta Google
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