Keep track of items on loan! Lend-Items allows you to create an on-line catalog of all your items (books, laptops, cars, etc)
Lend-Items allows you lend out items in your catalog to friends, colleagues or customers. Google Apps users in the organization automatically become borrowers while external users can also be manually added. Users may go on-line to make bookings for an item. Automated email reminders and comprehensive reports help you to manage your inventory and track lendings, reservations and bookings. 

Lend-Items is extremely versatile in that users can create their own user-defined item types. Each Item Type will have its own set of user-defined attributes in order to best describe this type of item.

Lend-Items fully supports barcodes both for borrowers and items. Barcodes are easily printed on sticky labels and adhered to the item. Low cost barcode scanners are readily sourced from such places as Amazon. The use of barcodes makes the process of lending and returning items lightning fast. Lend-Items can also be used without barcodes.

Lend-Items allows for very fast data entry of books. Simply scan in the ISBN number of the book and Lend-Items will automatically retrieve this book’s information (including images) and load it to your catalog. 

Lend-Items is extremely fast for what is done most;
•	Loading up new items
•	Lending and returning items
•	Searching and reserving items

Use it for 
•	Company libraries
•	School resources
•	Church library
•	Company car fleet 
•	Private collections
•	Video collections
•	Company laptops
•	Hot desk allocation
•	And anything you can think of...
Informazioni aggiuntive
PrezziNon disponibili
lend-items.comStato commerciante non specificato
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Termini di servizio
Lend-Items richiederà le autorizzazioni mostrate di seguito. Scopri di più
Lend-Items dovrà poter accedere al tuo Account Google
Ciò consente all'app Lend-Items di
Visualizzare, modificare, condividere ed eliminare definitivamente tutti i calendari a cui hai accesso con Google Calendar
Visualizzare l'indirizzo email principale del tuo Account Google
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