Add all 70K LessonPix symbols to your presentations.
Ändrades senast:9 mars 2023
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438 tn+
The LessonPix Slides Add-On allows you to use all 70k+ LessonPix symbols directly in your presentation.  With this Add-On, users can access their current LessonPix tray, search for images directly within their documents, browse our symbols and insert them directly.
The LessonPix Play Tools tab also adds the ability to add Spinners, Dice, Timers and "Draw from a Hat" interactive tools to make remote learning and therapy much simpler and more fun.
Users must have an active LessonPix account and should login with the same username and password they use on the main site.
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LessonPix Symbols behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
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