Levitate for Gmail helps you manage your personal and professional relationships right from your Gmail inbox.
Współpracuje z:
25 tys.+
We believe that relationships are built through authentic, consistent, personal communication. Levitate helps you easily keep in touch with your contacts while remember key details and last interactions. By building and maintaining authentic relationships, Levitate drives more organic referral and word of mouth business. Using our Gmail add-on, you can:

- Set smart reminders to keep in touch with the email sender
- View contact information about the email sender
- View key facts and tags about the email sender that were recorded in Levitate by you or your colleagues
- View any notes you or your team recorded, and record a new note about the email sender

You need a Levitate account to use this add-on. To look into free and paid plans, visit https://levitate.ai/#/pricing.
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Aplikacja Levitate for Gmail będzie potrzebowała dostępu do Twojego konta Google
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Wyświetlanie podstawowego adresu e-mail Twojego konta Google
Wyświetlanie prywatnych informacji o Tobie, w tym tych udostępnionych przez Ciebie publicznie
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