Counts the number of lines in text using UCAS's method. Outputs either just the number of lines or the text formatted to lines.
Şununla çalışır:
10 B+
Genel Bakış
This is intended for tutors writing UCAS references and students writing personal statements for UCAS applications.  Word processors can already display the number of characters in a block of text but they may not count the number of lines in the same way as UCAS which can catch people out.
This add on creates new options to “Count number of lines” and “Format selection in UCAS lines” via the “UCAS Line Counter” menu in the “Add-ons” menu.  To use the Add-on select a block of text in the document and then navigate to one of the above options to count the number of lines or see the text line-formatted according to the UCAS methodology.
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