Google Chat integration with Linear
Tiedot päivitetty:16. huhtikuuta 2024
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See & Act on Linear Issues Directly in Chat

Seamlessly integrate your Linear projects with Google Chat. All functionality is enabled within the Google Chat interface so that users can create new Linear issues, make updates, add comments, and @mention users.

Always Stay in the Know

Streamline your team's project management & collaboration workflows so that everyone can focus on what matters most. When Linear issues are updated, our integration ensures that your team receives real-time notifications in Google Chat to keep projects moving forward.

Key Functionality

This integration allows users to interact with Linear issues directly in the Google Chat interface. More specifically, users can create new Linear issues from scratch (type /create in the Chat text field) or update existing issues (/update). Updating an issue includes the ability for the user to modify any and all settings available on that issue, with additional fast button functionality for assigning issues (“Assign to Issue”), subscribing to issues (“Subscribe”), and viewing issues quickly in (“View”).  Importantly, any changes made to a Linear issue within will notify the relevant user(s) of the change directly within Google Chat (either in a Google Chat Space or Direct Message).

Users can also @mention other users and comment on Linear issues within the Google Chat Interface (and vice versa) and receive similar notifications that the Linear issue was updated. These features are possible through @mentioning the desired user or commenting (/comment) in the Google Chat thread associated with the Linear issue. 

To prioritize notification types within the Google Chat interface, the user can categorize them into three distinct priority levels: Regular, Important, and Urgent. This approach ensures that users receive relevant updates in a manner that respects their focus and time. Users control this through their settings (/settings). To access support, or report bugs, users can goto or request help (/help) directly in Google Chat. 


1. To be able to add the App to a Space you need to be a Space Manager. 
2. In Linear a user must have permissions to integrate new Apps to the organization (this is necessary to link the space to the organization)

Installation & Configuration

1. Go to Linear in Marketplace or search Extend Linear in the “Apps & Integrations” configuration tab of the Space you want to add it.
2. Once the App is added to the Space, a Welcome message is shown with instructions on how to configure it.
3. The first step is to link the Space to a Linear organization, for this we use the “/linkToLinear” command and follow the instructions in the Dialog.
4. After that, every user that wants to use the app needs to link their account in Google to their account in Linear, for this we use the “/linkUser” command. 
Linear pyytää sinulta alla mainittuja lupia. Lue lisää
Linear tarvitsee pääsyn Google-tilillesi
Tällä luvalla Linear voi tehdä seuraavaa:
nähdä Google-tilisi ensisijaisen sähköpostiosoitteen
nähdä henkilökohtaiset tietosi sekä kaikki sellaiset tiedot, jotka olet määrittänyt julkisiksi
Google ei todenna arvosteluja tai arvioita. Lue lisää arvosteluista
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